Page name: Wolverine: Evolution [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-05-15 02:31:09
Last author: Ritsuka-Kun
Owner: Ritsuka-Kun
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Wolverine: Evolution

Created By: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Co-owner: [wolvie]

A long-lived mutant with the rage of a beast and the soul of a samurai, James "Logan" Howlett's past is filled with blood, war, and betrayal. Possessing an accelerated healing factor, enhanced senses, and bone claws that along with his skeleton are coated in adamantium, Wolverine is the ultimate weapon.

And now he's out for revenge for the people who did this to him he's regaining bits and pieces of his memory as he goes along. The only question is will you be his ally or enemy?

1. Have fun
2. logan has been claimed by [wolvie] so yay :D
3. all sex goes here------>Wolverine: Sexual Fantasies XD
4. you can be anyone from anytime even before logan meets em if you want
6. OH NO LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT though im not sure why im putting this the people im inviting will already know this rule
7. Rp below in the comments since i dont feel like watching another page ^^ its just so much more easier this way anyway people dont talk on this page when they have questions they still use the [] in the rp ^^

Character Pages

James "Logan" Howlett

Wolverine's Allies

Wolverine's Enemies

Wolverine: Others


[Ritsuka-Kun] as rouge, kitty, angel, Peter, and Raven and Gackt, and Eric Draven and Liza Mckinley
[HeAVenShallBuRN] as Daken and Sephiroth
[Elf_Person] as Keto Uskai

HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded. "I agree, lovely place."

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto sighed kicking a can down the street

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Angel smiled "woo"

Eric looked over at Keto "whats got him down?"

Gackt shrugged.

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Guess you gotta do yer make up stuff."

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: a shadow blew across keto and he appeard next to GFackt and Eric "DAMNIT!!!!!!"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Angel smiled "I'll do it when it gets closer to the time"

Eric let a smirk slip across his face.

Gackt chuckled "nice"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded. "Can I borrow kitty then?"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto sighed "Sorry guys"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Angel "sure if she wants to be"

Gackt smiled "sorry for what? its not like we were in bed or something"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto shrigged "I guess for well intrupting ya'll and thank god that hasnt happend yet"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Can I borrow you, dear?"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggled "it wont eric is completely void of emotion well he's suppose to be"

Kitty "for what?" she smiled.

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Ketoo laughed "He had a smirk earlier"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled back. "I got this kinck in my shoulder...."

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "hence why i said suppose to be"

Eric "it slipped it wont happen again"

Kitty smiled "what do you want?"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Think you could rub it?" he'd ask.

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed "My name is Keto Uskai by the way"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled "yea"

Eric "and mine is eric"

Gackt "crow"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: He reached out to shake gackt hand "Nice to meet you crow"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smlied and took her hand, leading her away.

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [I should bring in Pickles oo]

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [if you want]

Gackt smiled "dear you already know me and you know my name isnt that god keto have you hit your head or something?"

Eric scowled "do call me the crow gackt"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He sat down in the kitchen and just rested so she could rub his shoulders.

A tiny bear banged his head agianst hte door, the front door]

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto looked at Gackt shaking his head a bit "Woah sorry Gackt"

Keto reached out to shake eric's hand "Nice to meet you Eric"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled rubbing his shoulders

Angel answered the door "well hey cutie"

Gackt giggled.

Eric just looked at his hand "i suppose i feel the same"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and relaxed further. "That feels good kitty."

The small creature loked up at him and murred.

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto looked at him "Come on now, cant even shake a man's hand" he turned to gackt "How have ya been?"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled nodding

Angel picked up the creature "too cute"

Gackt smiled "forgive him he has issues and im just great"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and let her continue to rub his shoulders.

Teh polar bear cub blinked.

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled softly

Angel smiled "oh you are so too cute"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Kitty..." he'd smile looking up at her. "tel me about us..."

He cooed and wagged his nub.

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed "I noticed" he sat besides Gackt

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled "what do ya wanna know?"

Angel "imma call ya pickles"

Gackt smiled "though he has his reasons"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto shrigged "Man what is there to do around here?"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Where did we first meet?" he'd ask.

[Shouilid ttally give pickles a power!']

He meeped and sneezed, shooting a flame out of his nose.

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "but people?"

Kitty "angel introduced us"

Angel smiled "awesome!"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto sighed "Yeah right"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled. "I was a gentlemen, right?"

Pickles sniffled and blinked.

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggled "meant bug people my bad"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled "yea after i kicked your ass"

Angel smiled "omg! kitty! sephiroth!"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed "Ok i get the hint"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Eric "exact revenge?"

Gackt smiled "No thats not fun i suppose partying would be"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed "Tried to find a straight single girl didnt work"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He sjmirked and looked at her, pulling her down for a kiss. He knew he could believe the both of them...because when he kissed her, it just...felt right. He blinked looking up toward where Angel was. "Yeah...kinda busy." he'd chuckle.

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled chuckling "poor you"

Kitty kissed back "not that busy though"

Angel smiled "look!" he showed them pickles.

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He blinked looking at it. "How'd a polar bear get here?"

Pickles sneezed fire, again.

"holy shit"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto nodded

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Angel smiled "I know right how awesome!"

Gackt smiled "im sure you'll find someone"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto sighed "Eh if not never mind i aint sayin that"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded. "Yeah, very."

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "dont be all down"

Angel smiled "im keeping him"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "you live alone, Angel?"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto looked at him "Kinda hard not to be in this day in age"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Angel nodded "yea of course"

Gackt smiled "it so is"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "It'd be good for ya to ahve company...hope you got fire-proof stuff...' he'd chucke grunting when Kitty hit the right spot. "yes...right there, dear.'

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto sighed ordering shots for the three of them

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Angel smiled "it wont be hard to do that"

Gackt smiled "now smiled dammit"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto shot the shot "Aint drunk enough yet"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "smile or else"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded to him and placed one hand ontop of Kitty's.
"How long did we know one another, before we started dating?"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty "a few months"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded. "When's our anniversery? I'm guessing it'll be our forth?"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty "ours was last month"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto shook his head "Let me get drunk first" he orderd two 8oz shots of jack and shot them both down he looked around seeing a good looking girl he got of his seat walking up to her and kissed her deeply

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I get you something nice?" he'd ask.

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "oh he's going to get smacked and imma laugh to be honest"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled "You here is fine"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: the girl reared back punching him inbetween the eyes eyes keto stumbled back "Damn guess you dont like getting kissed by guys fucking lezbo" he walked over sitting beside gackt "HEY BUDDY!!!!!"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt busted out laughing "oh i knew it! that was funny do it again" he giggled.

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He looked up at her and pulled her down into his lap. "Happy anniversery." he'd smile, kissing her lips deeply.

The girl walekd up to him and dumped ice cold water into his lap, storming out. "pig!"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled kissing back.

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "How long till you need to put on your make up?"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Angel shrugged "dunno im still working out the math in my head"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto shook his head "Why not im already wasted" he walked up to another girl kissing her deeply, this time her boy friend grabbed him

Keto laughed "She was dressed so slutty i thought she was single"
BF hit keto so hard he spun a 360 before hitting the ground

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He looked up at Kitty.

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Eric got up walking over "excuse my acquaintance he's a bit off his rocker"

Kitty "what?"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled. "How long?"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: BF looked at him "I rightfuly dont care if you care you'll get away from me and pick him up off the floor"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Eric looked at him "violence only begets violence and sir you wont like my brand of revenge so please leave and control your anger"

Kitty smiled back "how long for what?"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Till he needs to put on his makeup?"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: the boy friend laughed "Get out of here" he pushed eric

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled "I dont know"

Eric moved swiftly and unnaturally quick putting a hand around his throat holding him against a building.

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: the boy friend started freaking out "Let me go you fucking freak"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Because...I totally wanna snuggle on the couch, if that's okay with Angel and you." he'd smile.

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Eric smirked letting him go "leave now"

Kitty giggled

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Can we, please?" he'd smile.

Pickles began to nibble on angels hand.

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: the guy ran off not looking back

Keto started getting up shaking his head "Woah hey Gackt you get the number to that bus?"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "what bus? you got decked by some dude"

Kitty "a few minutes"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed "It felt like being hit by a bus why couldnt a shdow come across me then damnit" he stumbled back to his seat "Wheres Eric?"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "he was dealing with a little problem"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and snuggled her right there. "Then we can snuggle for a few minutes."

"Have we talked about moving in together?" he'd ask.

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty "No we havent"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Do you...want to?" he'd ask.

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto nodded "So where is the girls at?"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty shrugged "I dunno really"

Gackt "all away from you and your drunk ass"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded. "I see." he'd say, resting hsi chin on her shoulder.

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto smiled and laughed "Atleast you got your smile jack ass"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled nodding.

Gackt smiled "I want a sober one"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto laugehd falling out of chair

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]:
He half smirked and kissed her lips.

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "ass"

Kitty smiled kissing back.

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smirked and pried her lips open, gliding his tongue along hers.

Picke squeeked nadtried to climb down.

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto got back up "I am not"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "are too"

Angel sat pickles down.

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Pickles wondered around and looked out the back french door thingy.

He smiled and pulled back. "wow..."

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto looked at him "How?"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled "wow indeed"

Gackt "cause i say so?"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: keto laughed "I need to sober up huh" he smiled watching a girl walk by

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nodded "It would help and i wouldnt if i were you"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded.

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled "come angel you need to get ready"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He pulled Kitty in for one more quick kiss.

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto smiled still looking at her "Why do you say that?"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled kissing back giggling.

Gackt "cause eric isnt here to save your ass from a boyfriend that she might have"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Have fun, see you when yo'ure done"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed "But i can handle myself see he only hit me once" he pointed to the side of his face that was swollen

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled "you wont recognize angel when we're done"

Gackt smiled "sure ya can"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "fine go on but im not saving your ass"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I'm hoping I do'nt."

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed tried getting out of his seat but fell off agqin "Gackt get me to your place or home please"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Angel smiled "thanks?"

Gackt "mine is closer" he helped keto to his car.

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "You know what i mena, asshat"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Angel giggled "yea i know"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto looked at Gackt "Your a good friend i love you buddy"

2011-05-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [I'm gonna set up a wedding for Keto and Gackt, cause deep down...I think keto's actually gay >>]

He nodded. "Now go."

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [XD  ]

Gackt smiled "and i care for you buddy"

Angel giggled disappearing into a room with Kitty.

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: [shut up horn swaggle] keto nodded passing out

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt put him on the couch "odd fella"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto woke up acouple hours later with a bad hang over "What the fuck did i do?"

2011-05-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "a bunch of stupid stuff?"

2011-05-12 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed then smiled "Remind me to never do that again"

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "I might it was kinda funny"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed "You missed your smile"

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "but i did get to see someone knock you on your ass"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: he rubs his face "I was wondering abouth that"

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "yea i laughed my ass off eric stood up for you"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto nodded "That wa snice of him"

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "Its kinda his thing or job or whatever you wanna call it"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto nodded

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "though i'd hate to be in his shoes"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto looked at him "Why do you say that?"

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "He's had a sad life he's not alive exactly"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto raised a brow

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "well he's not alive at all he was murdered a few years ago on all hallows eve"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto looked at him "He's a ghost?"

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "well no he's not that either its hard to explain really"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: keto looked at him "Kind of like a vampire?"

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "well no to that too it has to do with some crow legend im not too sure about it though"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: keto nodded

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "its really hard to explain all i know is what he told me he was murdered a year ago and a year after his murder some crow tapped on his headstone and he came back to exact revenge for the murder of his and his fiancee he normally has that creepy bird with him"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto shrugged "Sounmds like a bad soap oprah"

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "sounds like a nightmare really"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto nodded "A really corny one like scarie movie"

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "worse that you can escape from he cant i guess we can only speculate he has to live it"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto nodded

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "you should ask him about it"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto looked at him "Why me?"

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "he creeps me out"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed "He's your friend"

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "Doesnt me he doesnt give me nightmares"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "he is super creepy"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto sighed "What to do now"

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "Get you wasted?"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed "HELL YEA"

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "k to the bar"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto nodded walking to the bar

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled tagging along.

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto orderd three rounds of 8oz shots downing them all quickly "YEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAW"

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled giggling "Oh this is fun"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto got up walking to the dance floor and started dancing

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt started laughing "and it gets better"

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto started making out with random chicks and wound up getting hit numerous times looking like a ping pong ball on the dance floor

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt laughed then squeaked when fell off of his chair.

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto made it back to his seat "GACKT WHERE'D YA GO?"

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt stood up "I wanted to make friends with the floor" he smiled.

2011-05-13 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed at him

2011-05-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "its a very nice floor but i told her it just wouldnt work between us i think she's devastated"

2011-05-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He sat in the living room waitng.

2011-05-14 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed falling out oof his chair

2011-05-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Angel stepped out all dressed.

Gackt laughed

2011-05-14 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed "The floor is a whore tonight"

2011-05-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "my whore though"

2011-05-14 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed "Mine too"

2011-05-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Hey Kitty." he'd say, t o Angel.

2011-05-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt gasped playfully "off my whore you whore" he giggled.

Angel giggled "im not kitty?"

2011-05-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He blinked. "Oh god..."

2011-05-14 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed rubbing the floor "Shes good to me"

2011-05-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Angel giggled.

Gackt smiled "better to me"

2011-05-14 [Elf_Person]: Keto laughed "She said shes not cause you lefted her to quick"

2011-05-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "What's kitty doin?" he'd ask poking his head on the room.

2011-05-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "I got done early duh"

Kitty was cleaning up.

2011-05-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and walekd up behind her, hugging her from behind. "Hey shouldn't be cleaning up...I'll do it."

2011-05-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled "No i made the mess and anyway im almost done"

2011-05-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: HE smiled and kissed her cheek. "Let me help then." he'd smile.

2011-05-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled "im done now"

2011-05-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He frowned. "Fail."

2011-05-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kitty smiled giggling "Is not"

2011-05-14 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: HE smirked and turned her around lifting her up in his arms and kissing her nose. "I know I have...lost my memory...but...I can tell...that I love you."

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